Best Anti-Snoring Devices on a Budget

Snoring might not be a problem for you, but it likely is for anyone you share a bed or space with. Whether it is due to allergies, congestion or a physical condition, you don’t need to suffer.

Some people can actually wake themselves up from snoring, never mind their partner. There are plenty of devices available to help with snoring, from very basic to rather complicated. Here are a few snore stoppers we liked.

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Night Mouth Guard

For those who suffer from sleep apnea, snoring, jaw-clenching or even those who grind their teeth at night, a night mouth guard can help with sleepless nights. Not just for you, but for those who share your sleeping space, as well.

A night guard is unique as it is meant to be formed and molded to fit the user’s mouth shape.

Simply heat a pot of water and then soak the mouthpiece for about 45 seconds. This will soften the device enough to place it in your mouth and bite down to mold it to your teeth. Be sure to let it cool so you don’t burn yourself. The device will retain your imprint and it will fit perfectly.

Breathe Right Strips – Simple but Effective

These are strips, like a bandaid, that is applied to the bridge of your nose. They are very simple to use and are one of the more popular anti-snoring devices. They open up your nasal passages to help you get air through your nose at night.


These can be used for people who are congested, as well, even if snoring isn’t a problem. They come in a few different varieties, including different sizes and scents. They have clear for sensitive skin and are drug-free, so ideal for children with congestion.


The downside of these strips is that they only work for congestion and work to open your nasal passages. They don’t work for all types of snoring. They are also a single-use only, so it is an ongoing cost, plus they do produce a fair amount of waste. Perhaps better suited for the occasional snorer or for people who only need them occasionally.

2 in 1: Anti Snoring & Air Purifier

This small device fits directly in your nostrils. It is made of soft silicone and meant to not only open your air passages but to also purify the air as you breathe through it.


It’s a small and comfortable device and while the price may vary, it is very inexpensive in comparison to other products and devices. Expect to get anywhere up to a year’s worth of usage, depending on how often you use it.


While the device is small and comfortable, there is no way to make adjustments. Some people may not find it comfortable to sleep with something in their nose. It’s no replacement for sleep apnea devices, but it is worth the price. Not recommended for children.

Anti-Snore Chin Strap

This device is worn right over the users head. It holds the sleepers chin up to prevent mouth breathing and snoring. By holding the chin and jaw closed, it makes it much more difficult to snore.


These are durable and work well. They are priced low enough for any budget and will last a long time. They are easy to clean and come with a money-back guarantee. Lightweight and slightly adjustable.


Some people find them cumbersome and uncomfortable to sleep in. Their whole purpose is to prevent breathing through the mouth, so for some, this is a concern. If you suffer from congestion or just find them constricting, this product likely won’t work for you as well as some.

Snore Guard – Air Flow

These small cone-like devices are of ergonomically designed vents for your nose. They promote better airflow and prevent snoring.


These small vents come in different sizes and come with threaded or non-threaded to prevent slipping. Reusable and durable, so well worth the low price. Comfortable to sleep in and work well to open nasal passages and help prevent snoring.

They are easy to clean and small and compact to carry with you in their own travel packaging. Most people find them very easy to use and comfortable to sleep with them in their noses.


While the product comes in two different sizes, it is still not ideal for everyone. Many found them to be too big or too small. Some said it was uncomfortable to sleep with them in their nose and others mentioned it felt as if they were slipping out. Some have mentioned pieces breaking off and lodging inside their nose.

Memory Foam Wedge Pillow

For those who don’t like devices on their heads, chins or inside their nose, there is a pillow. This pillow has memory foam and with a hypoallergenic bamboo cover, manages to stay cool at night.

A recent study revealed a significant reduction in snoring when using similar pillows.


Washable, comfortable and not only helps with snoring but also can help with, lower back pain, heartburn, and acid reflux. It can be used as a pillow for the head, placed under the feet or knees and even lower back for ease and comfort throughout the night. Can add a small, soft pillow at the tip of the wedge for more comfort.


Some people found the memory foam uncomfortable as they like to mush up their pillow at nigt.

In Conclusion

There are so many different types of devices available, we hope these recommendations are enough to get you started. Your own personal preference with play heavily in your decisions, but here is a place to start.