Sleep8 CPAP Cleaner: Top Rated CPAP Cleaner Reviewed

Should you buy the Sleep8 CPAP Cleaner? Short Answer: It is our opinion that Sleep8 is a good, but not great, CPAP cleaner. If you can’t afford one of the higher-end CPAP cleaners, then the Sleep8 might be the one for you.

It definitely lags behind the best-in-class SoClean 2 CPAP Cleaner. However, it is more affordable than the more expensive higher-end cleaners. This alone may make it a better purchase for you.

If you decide the Sleep8 is something you want to try out, you can only find it at the link below right now. Amazon is not carrying this product.

The Sleep8 CPAP Sanitizing Companion out ranks the cheaper CPAP cleaners, but below the best in class SoClean. If you are looking for a decent mid-point, Sleep8 might be the answer.

Sleep8 is a lightweight and compact portable CPAP cleaner that uses activated oxygen (ozone) to clean your CPAP equipment. The ozone generated by the CPAP cleaning device is used to effectively kill 99% of pathogens contained within your CPAP mask, tubing, and humidifier chamber.

There is no setup required and operating Sleep8 is an extremely simple process. First, connect your CPAP tubing to the built-in adapter located within the included filter bag.

Next, insert all of your to be cleaned CPAP equipment into the filter bag. Finally, connect the Sleep8 CPAP cleaner to the port located on the outside of the filter bag. Ensure the filter bag is closed and hit Start. A cleaning cycle will take approximately one hour.

The Sleep8 display is simple and understated but effectively communicates the cleaning cycle countdown, battery life, and alerts you when the filter bag is not properly connected. In fact, the device will shutdown when the sensor detects that the bag is not connected properly. This is a major advantage over the some the other CPAP cleaner products.

Sleep8 Advantages:

  • Nice design and extremely easy operate

  • 18 Month Warranty on the device and various manufacturer warranties on the accessories
  • A rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery (2200 mAh) combined with its compact size makes it a great device for traveling or camping.
  • No water or adapters needed. The device, the bag, your stuff. Thats it.
  • Shutdown sensors that alert the user when filter bag is not correctly connected to the system
  • Compared to the smaller portable CPAP cleaners, the display is a distinguishing factor

Sleep8 Disadvantages:

  • The bagging system. Like most of the small portable CPAP cleaners, Sleep8 requires a bag that houses all of your CPAP equipment. More over, the Sleep8 device and filter bags are custom fitted. Meaning when you replace your filter you will be purchasing a Sleep8 replacement filter bag.
  • Sleep8 filter bags will need to be replaced every 90 days.

  • No automation or daily cleaning schedule. The cleaning process is simple, but could be improved. For instance, the SoClean CPAP cleaner uses an enclosed unit where all you would need to do is insert your mask into the chamber and close the lid. The cleaning cycle would start at a predetermined time while you are at work or doing other activities.
  • Cost – For a compact portable CPAP cleaner, the cost is on the higher side. Clocking-in around $200.

Whats in the Box :

  • Sleep8 CPAP cleaning device
  • 1 Sanitizing Filter Bag
  • Micro USB Charger

Whats in the Box Video: Sleep 8 CPAP Cleaner

How to use the Sleep8 CPAP sanitizer:

Sleep8 Screen Operations:

Additional Resources: