What Is The Best Way To Clean Your CPAP?
You may think that having a CPAP machine will help you ward off poor health and various respiratory diseases, but there’s a dirty little secret to CPAP machines.
If you don’t clean them regularly, they can actually cause you to get sick on a constant basis. Bacteria and other pathogens are trapped in your CPAP equipment and leaves you at a high risk of getting sick! The major of CPAP machine users do not have all the supplies needed to lower the risk.
If soap and water are just not cutting it, here are three easy cleaning ideas that will take your CPAP cleaning to the next level.
Ways To Clean Your CPAP Machine
Unscented CPAP Cleaning Wipes
Unscented CPAP cleaning wipes are great for sanitizing CPAP masks. The wipes quickly clean dirt and facial oils from the CPAP mask but be careful using CPAP cleaning wipes that have a strong odor or scent. If you are like me, smelling daisies is good for the first 5 minutes, but after 8 hours it can be sickening.
RespLabs Medical CPAP Mask Cleaning Wipes
CPAP Equipment Dryer
Are you the type of CPAP user that washes their CPAP equipment, lays out a towel for the mask parts, hangs the hose on the towel rod or shower head? If so, a CPAP equipment dryer may be a better solution. The dryer is an enclosed machine that CPAP equipment is placed and dried with warm static air.
The Hurricane CPAP Equipment Dryer
Additional Features:
- Once it’s setup the first time, you never need to disassemble it
- Works with all popular CPAP equipment
- Does not require any water to clean
- Small footprint so it’s easy to store
- Comes with a 2 year manufacturers warranty
Additional CPAP Accessories You Might Need
Cleans and sanitizes with an irritant-free solution. A great way to cheaply keep your CPAP equipment clean and fresh.
This special CPAP pillow consists of medical-grade foam that will keep the user’s head in the perfect position to allow for the proper flow of air from the CPAP.